I’m No Superman (V2)

Disclaimer: To my skeptic friends and readers, I applaud you all for your contributions to making life better for the less fortunate. Alas, as with my last entry, this is not directed at you. I don’t want anyone to feel like I don’t see generosity, sacrifice, and love from those that don’t believe. We are just at odds that can’t be reconciled when it comes to the issue of justification for those deeds.

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Much to the dismay of some of my friends and family, I am known for doing some pretty radical things for people that are in need. I hang out with addicts of all sorts, talking to them about where I’ve been and where I’m going next in hopes that I can show them the way to break through their addictions. I protest at abortion mills for the sake of the unborn and for the lost mothers that are considering sacrificing their children to Molech. I’ve gone as far as picking up prostitutes and talking to them about their circumstances and the saving power of the gospel. I can go on and on about the ministries I support with my time, money, and actions. I just hope that you take one thing away from this: I am not Superman, nor am I trying to be.

I’m just an ordinary guy that’s struggling to be consistent with his faith. If you know me or even just of me, it’s easy to see that. I fail at walking the walk and talking the talk all the time. Even as a believer, I’ve made some awfully stupid mistakes. I am proud of that. I am not proud because of anything that I’ve accomplished, but because of Jesus, who reaches people through me despite all my shortcomings.

That’s the whole point! I was not designed in any peculiar way that enables me to be a great missionary. I’m just your average guy that wants to see a difference in this world. Because of that, I know that you can do this too. You can fight the tough battles. You can make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate. You are just as capable of being the salt and light of this age as I or anyone else. We, all of us together, are the hands and feet of Christ. This is what we’re here for! There’s no fundamental difference between us. If I can God can use someone like me for His glory, He can use you as well.

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What inspires you? Where do you want to see change? Does this election cycle bother you? There are things for you to do! Study law. Educate yourself and others. Go and run for office! I can say the same about any field we see corruption in. We need police officers, doctors, lawyers, accountants, firefighters, entertainers, business owners, and so forth that are passionate about what they do and passionate about justice in the world. We can’t do this sitting on the sidelines and complaining (not that I’m accusing anyone in particular). There is a lot of work for us to do if we’re just willing to get our hands and knees dirty with some hard labor.

I love when I see my brothers and sisters sharing their faith and standing up for it when it’s challenged. I love when Christians boldly confront today’s issues with no compromise. But I have to say it again: hashtags aren’t going to save the world. We’re going to have to go and do some things that will make us uncomfortable. Some of us are going to bleed for this. Some of us are going to die for this. Some of us are going to live some very difficult lives for the sake of this.

In the end, no matter how difficult taking this road gets, I lean on Daniel 2. The kingdom that will destroy all other kingdoms is already here and already freeing the slaves from captivity. You can take that figuratively or literally and it’ll still be true. And it’s true because with The Great Mandate we were given the help of someone much greater than any of us. He will see to it that God’s word does not return void.

In closing, I’m asking all of you that have been moved by something I’ve done to go. Go and do whatever The Spirit convicts you to. By no means am I asking anyone to join any ministry I’m involved in. There are many people out there with many different needs. You may end up toiling at something I could never imagine myself getting involved in. To that, I say, to God be the glory. Just go and do something!

Vaguely related: I can’t get this song out of my head now even though it’s been years since I’ve heard it.

Not Superman

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When I’m going to do something for the greater good, I’m known for doing it in the most radical way I could possibly think of. Sex trafficking bothers me, so I pick up prostitutes and preach the gospel to them. Our country sheds the blood of thousands of innocents every day, so I protest alongside men and women that feel the same way I do. A lot of my friends are not saved, so I welcome them all to challenge my beliefs to see if they can’t make sense of things I do and say. Biblical illiteracy is widespread, so I spend a lot of time delving into the debates going on at the highest level so I can share what I have learned with those misrepresenting what I believe in. I have my hands in a growing number of ministries that help people that are in need and I stand by all of them in deed, in word, and even monetarily. But, if you really know me, one thing is for sure. I am not Superman.

I could go on about not being perfect, but that’s obvious. We all fall short of righteousness. When I say “I’m not Superman”, I mean I’m just an ordinary guy. There is nothing particularly special about me. God did not design me with special traits to be some sort of caped crusader on His behalf. He does not need me for that as I’d fail miserably anyway. What I mean is that there is no fundamental difference between me and you.

Our convictions may be quite different. You may be called to be a part of a ministry that I couldn’t fathom being a part of, and I applaud it. Why? Not because you are made in any peculiar way, either. It’s because we are both obeying the mandate of The Great Commission and at the same time expanding the kingdom that will see no end. This is how it’s done. Ordinary people like you and I act as the hands and feet of Christ, in essence, preserving and being a light to the culture around us.

I don’t do what I do to bring glory to myself. That’s not the point. I don’t care if anyone sees me as good or bad, because this is all bigger than us. I do what I do to inspire people like you to get up, get out, and do something. You are just as capable as I am of following your convictions and making a difference. Do politics bother you? Study law! Get out in the field and make a difference. Have you had bad experiences with law enforcement, health care providers, or even car salesmen? There’s room for us there too. It doesn’t really matter what it is. When you’re doing it for His glory and His honor, the fruit will come!

We have to stop being so short sighted and think about what could be in the future! Instant gratification isn’t going to bring any of this about. We have to be willing to sweat, weep, and bleed for it! We have to be willing to get up, get out, and get uncomfortable if we’re serious about what we are called and commanded to do in scripture.

There’s a lot to be said about this. Perhaps, I’ll flesh it out more in time to come. Maybe I’ll just share some of my favorite ministries and invite others to share theirs. The more of us getting involved at the street level, the better off everyone is in general.

This is Not for You

A number of things have been said about me and the things I believe. I’ve had my friends share their displeasure and ire of me on many occasions. This is not just on the internet, mind you. This is in real life in face-to-face encounters as well. I’m well aware that some of those people I’ve had conflict with think that I’m delusional or possibly wicked. I am perfectly okay with that.


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I used to be a person that thought people like me were annoying. I didn’t understand people sharing stories about their faith and their favorite bible verses. “Who cares?” I always questioned. No difference would ever be made. It was pointless and stupid to share religious things outside of the church. There was something very important for me to learn from the persistent of those aggravating Christians.

Isaiah 55:11 so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;
    it shall not return to me empty,
but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,
    and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.

The first chapter of Romans tells us that we all know God, but in our sinful rebellion, we suppress the truth of God. The first chapter of First Corinthians tells us that the word of God saves those who believe but is foolishness to those who are perishing. Jesus said that those that aren’t with Him are against Him. Here’s the point: we will not have an excuse on judgment day. We won’t be judged for what we don’t know. We’ll be judged for what we do know. These words people like me share will either save you by the power of God or bring condemnation on you when the time comes.

I remember a time when I was nominally Christian. I believed there was a God out there somewhere and that Jesus somehow pointed us to Him. I was not interested in being in fellowship with his followers, though. I was not interested in reading the things he said or trying to be like him. I was a good enough guy. I was better behaved and more virtuous than most in my own mind. Why would I need a church or to hear about this bible stuff people were spouting? But, luckily, someone out there loved neighbor and God enough to persistently share the gospel.

My eyes were opened by a YouTube video. Let that sink in. No one personally preached to me in a way that made things click. No one coerced me to turn away from my sin. I don’t even know who made the video or how I came across it. I’ll never meet the person or have any interaction with him or her in this life. Now I sit here sending this message to you a person struggling to live consistently with his faith because God deemed social media a place for His word to advance and do what it’s supposed to do. By His grace, His words saved me.

So, if you’re offended by me for the things I say, fine. If I anger you, fine. If you hate me and the things I believe (which I’m aware some of you do), fine. Guess what? I don’t care! The greatest man to ever live came and taught us the greatest love there is and we killed him. I don’t care if you block me, unfriend me, or whatever the case may be. That’s soft compared to what happened to Him.

The criticism and vitriol I get for what I say means nothing when someone says to me that something I said or did has them rethinking their position on God or something important. It means nothing to me when I see my friends turning away from their sin to follow Jesus. It means nothing to me when my little brother says to me “this is what I need” and “I want more of this”. It means nothing to me when I see people as broken and hurting as I was before I was saved by the word of God.

So, go on. Mock me behind my back. Laugh among those that agree with you. Say hurtful things to me while you hide behind a monitor. I do not care. You know why? Because this is not for you. Of all those given to Christ, He will lose not even one. God’s word will affect all of us in the way it’s meant to. It either will save you or condemn you. Just know that God knows that we all know that He’s there. We are all without excuse.