Not Superman

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When I’m going to do something for the greater good, I’m known for doing it in the most radical way I could possibly think of. Sex trafficking bothers me, so I pick up prostitutes and preach the gospel to them. Our country sheds the blood of thousands of innocents every day, so I protest alongside men and women that feel the same way I do. A lot of my friends are not saved, so I welcome them all to challenge my beliefs to see if they can’t make sense of things I do and say. Biblical illiteracy is widespread, so I spend a lot of time delving into the debates going on at the highest level so I can share what I have learned with those misrepresenting what I believe in. I have my hands in a growing number of ministries that help people that are in need and I stand by all of them in deed, in word, and even monetarily. But, if you really know me, one thing is for sure. I am not Superman.

I could go on about not being perfect, but that’s obvious. We all fall short of righteousness. When I say “I’m not Superman”, I mean I’m just an ordinary guy. There is nothing particularly special about me. God did not design me with special traits to be some sort of caped crusader on His behalf. He does not need me for that as I’d fail miserably anyway. What I mean is that there is no fundamental difference between me and you.

Our convictions may be quite different. You may be called to be a part of a ministry that I couldn’t fathom being a part of, and I applaud it. Why? Not because you are made in any peculiar way, either. It’s because we are both obeying the mandate of The Great Commission and at the same time expanding the kingdom that will see no end. This is how it’s done. Ordinary people like you and I act as the hands and feet of Christ, in essence, preserving and being a light to the culture around us.

I don’t do what I do to bring glory to myself. That’s not the point. I don’t care if anyone sees me as good or bad, because this is all bigger than us. I do what I do to inspire people like you to get up, get out, and do something. You are just as capable as I am of following your convictions and making a difference. Do politics bother you? Study law! Get out in the field and make a difference. Have you had bad experiences with law enforcement, health care providers, or even car salesmen? There’s room for us there too. It doesn’t really matter what it is. When you’re doing it for His glory and His honor, the fruit will come!

We have to stop being so short sighted and think about what could be in the future! Instant gratification isn’t going to bring any of this about. We have to be willing to sweat, weep, and bleed for it! We have to be willing to get up, get out, and get uncomfortable if we’re serious about what we are called and commanded to do in scripture.

There’s a lot to be said about this. Perhaps, I’ll flesh it out more in time to come. Maybe I’ll just share some of my favorite ministries and invite others to share theirs. The more of us getting involved at the street level, the better off everyone is in general.

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